Complete Slav I and Complete Slav II - Konstantin Sakaev (2 books)

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Complete Slav I and Complete Slav II by Konstantin Sakaev (2 books)

Paperback, 683 pages (combined)

The Slav Defence is currently the most popular closed opening, appearing in the opening repertoire of the overwhelming majority of top class grandmasters. A competitive chess player playing 1.d4 faces the opening in almost every tournament, and for Black it can be used in just about every second game.

The second part of the Complete Slav contains all systems that were not presented In the first part, namely a popular variation 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 dxc4 and also all systems after 4...e6. Not to mention the possibilities such as 5. g3 or 5. Qb3, I have presented lines after 5. e3 Nbd7 - for starters Meran (6. Bd3 dxc4 7.Bxc4 b5) and Anti-Meran (6. Qc2 Bd6) lines. Also the variations rising after 5. Bg5 are examined deeply, namely Moscow (5... h6 Bxf6) and Anti-Moscow (5... h6 Bh4) variations as well as Botvinnik system 5... dxc4.

There are plenty of openings books in where not the most important lines are covered - this leads to a creation of plenty unnecessary variations - the book starts to be `wishy-washy'. This is why some lines or other moves are not examined deeply. All of presented variations are analyzed on the same level as those described in the first part of whole elaboration.

GM Glenn Flear, New in Chess Yearbook volume 105:
"Sakaev has dissected standard theory and come up with many new assessments. There are countless novelties, clever concepts, and audacious ideas, all backed up with his top level judgement (..) I can assure you that whenever the Slav crops up in my thoughts, I'll be making a bee-line for the 'Complete Slav' to see what Konstatin Sakaev has in mind!"

GM Peter Heine Nielsen:
"As a coach of Vishy Anand in his last 4 World Championship wins I can say, this book gives an excellent review on the Slav, an opening often played in the WCC matches and many other top events, covered by a world class theoretician!"

ISBN: 978-8393465637 and 978-83-937009-2-9, Chess Evolution

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