The Modernized Colle-Zukertort Attack by Milos Pavlovic
2nd revised & extended edition
This book focuses mainly on Colle-Zukertort type positions, plus some transpositions to Queen’s Indian-type play, so this is not a repertoire book like the previous one, but rather you can look at it as an opening book. Of course, Slav reactions with …c6 are covered as well, and also early and quick …c5 and …g6 reactions.
Due to increased popularity, this book now dives into specifics which we can consider now as a renaissance of this old line. Another important thing, and it is indeed an especially important detail, is the organization of material into logical sections, because this system is often transpositional. Therefore, it is important to do this because reading this book should be an easy and joyful experience.
So, what you have here is a completely redesigned and modernized system compared to only a few years ago, when this system was virtually forgotten.
One very important thing to have in mind is that chapters 1 to 4 start with the following move order so that readers can more easily assimilate follow-up material:
1.d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. e3 e6 4. Bd3 From here you will find a further branch in the following chapters.
- Colle-Zukertort Opening: A solid and strategic system for White, focusing on developing harmoniously and building a strong central pawn structure.
- White aims for a setup with d4, e3, Nf3, Bd3, O-O, and typically prepares a queenside fianchetto with b3 and Bb2.
- This opening is less tactical but offers rich middlegame opportunities, especially with plans like the e4 break or queenside expansion.
- This new extended edition brings the whole set-up back to life packed with new ideas and analyzed games
- This time the author focused mainly on 1.d4-d5 replies, the most popular on club players level.
ISBN: 9789083429090, Hardback, 225 pages, Thinkers Publishing
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