Checkmate: TV Season One - Hosted by Anna Richardson & Simon Williams (3 DVD Set)

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Checkmate: TV Season One - Hosted by Anna Richardson & Simon Williams (3 DVD Set)
The Master Game for the New Generation

Gorgeous Mediterranean beaches are no distraction for the Checkmate grandmasters. Ten top chess champions in the world bring their best game to the table, while hosts Anna and Simon provide quick-witted commentary on the competition. 

Round 1
Learn about this year's ten top chess champions, who've gathered in Gozo in order to compete for a serious wad of cash and the honor of being crowned Checkmate Champion. Over the course of ten days, the contenders vie for victory as hosts Anna and Simon dissect their most mammoth moves on the board.

Round 2
Players' individual styles are assessed during this round of the tournament, and strategies are put to the test. Tiger Hillarp Persson faces off against Wenjun Ju, and Nino Maisuradze squares off with Nigel Short. Elisabeth Pahtz takes on Irina Krush, Richard Rapport goes to battle with Arkadij Naiditsch, and Igor Lysyj and Jovanka Houska's forces clash.

Round 3
The Grandmasters continue to compete for the trophy during day three of the tournament. Igor sits for a skirmish with Wenjun, and Arkadij takes on Jovanka. Irina and Richard challenge each other on the board, and Nino faces off against Elizabeth. Nigel and Tiger's pieces intricately weave in a matchup that excites Anna and Simon.

Round 4
The competition really heats up as the championship draws closer and closer. Nigel and Wenjun bid for a win on the board, and Elisabeth tries to outmaneuver Tiger's forces. Richard locks horns with Nino, Jovanka collides with Irina, and Igor and Arkadij contend for the crown.

Round 5
Strategies are tested and the coveted trophy is almost within grasp. Elisabeth shouldn't be underestimated as she enters the arena against top seat Nigel. Richard and Tiger rumble on the board, and Arkadij straps on his boots for a brush with Wenjun. Irina shows up for a showdown against Igor, and Nino clashes pieces with Jovanka.

Round 6
Even the top seats aren't safe from the underestimated underdogs amongst these Grandmasters of chess. After a tense several days, the Tournament Final concludes with a clear victor. Who will walk away with the Checkmate Trophy?

27 minutes per round

Also, on DVD 3 Simon Williams spends over 9 hours analysing all the games from the Tournament.

Director: Iiyas Kaduji
Starring: Anna Richardson, Simon Williams, Nigel David Short
Supporting actors: Wenjun Ju, Jovanka Houska, Tiger Hillarp Persson, Irina Krush, Arkadij Naiditsch, Elisabeth Pähtz, Igor Lysyj, Nino Maisuradze, Richárd Rapport

DVD, Region 0, PAL

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