CHESS Magazine - March 2012
CHESS Magazine - March 2012UK's most popular CHESS MagazineMagazine, 60 pagesUK's most popular CHESS Magazine - established 1935! All the regular features of the UK's best-selling CHESS magazine plus more!
Tata Steel Wijk aan Zee - IM Yochanan Afek was at the ringside to report on the action andsee Levon Aronian pip Magnus Carlsen at the post Tradewise Gibraltar Masters - Nigel Short won by a whisker but Women's World Champion HouYifan stole the show with an amazing performance Chess Tactics from Scratch - GM Jacob Aagaard showcases an exciting, reworked book onunderstanding chess tactics Moscow and Aeroflot Opens - Steve Giddins rounds up the best of the action at the two big swisstournaments in Moscow 4NCL, rounds 3 to 6 - IM Simon Ansell covers the British Team League matches from thelast two weekends The Colour Complex Made Simple - White and black squares: not just a pretty pattern, says Peter Lalic Chess Psycology - IM and poker pro Angus Dunnington, making a welcome return tochess, looks at the basic concepts of chess thinking Chess in the 1970s - John Saunders moves on a decade to the turbulent seventies andthe ups and downs of Fischer and England's Olympiad team Don't Get The GI Blues! - 'GI' stands for General Ignorance - and arch-inquisitor SteveGiddins is here to put you to the test! Be afraid, be very afraid...Plus more!*IN STOCK NOW!*
CHESS Magazine - March 2012UK's most popular CHESS MagazineMagazine, 60 pagesUK's most popular CHESS Magazine - established 1935! All the regular features of the UK's best-selling CHESS magazine plus more!

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